Tuesday, July 26, 2011

That kind of moment

This weekend I went camping on the property of some family friends. Every year they have a huge camping weekend, where all their friends, and friends of friends, come up to swim in the icy river, drink, eat, dance, hike, and play. I only knew the friends I brought, my mom and her boyfriend, and the hosts of the party, but I met a ton of fascinating people.

It was great to spend time with people who are as different from me as possible. I can get so wrapped up in myself and being friends with people like me, that I forget there's a whole wide world out there filled with people who are passionate about things I don't care for. How blessed are we that there are people out there who are passionate? Why do we judge others so quickly because they're different than we are? Why can't we embrace the difference?

I had a great time meeting these new people, sharing in laughter, booze, and music. On the last night as we were all sitting around a roaring campfire, listening to people play the drums, guitar, tambourine, and sitar, as the river rushed in accompaniment, and people danced in front of the flames, I looked around the circle, looked up at the stars, took in a breath, and couldn't believe that this is my life. How did I get so lucky? How did I get to be so blessed?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had so much fun! And yes, I agree, I love that the world is full of so many unique people. Every day, I'm reminded that there's someone out there who is passionate about something I wouldn't even think to be excited about. Makes the world an interesting place.
