Sunday, January 25, 2009

Small Moments

It's been quite a week. I don't know the last time I felt so content, so happy with life. I feel very hopeful for the first time in a while.

Watching Obama sworn in as President of the United States was wonderful. I have a lot of issues with Obama; I disagree with him on many things; I want him to take a true stand on Women's rights, gay rights and more. But on Tuesday, I set those all aside and reveled in the fact that a black man became the President. That the highest position in our nation is held by a person of color. And listening to his speech, I felt hopeful. I felt like, maybe, finally, we can turn around some of the things that happened over the last 8 years.

Then Clinton was sworn in as Secretary of State and my optimism grew. To hear someone in one of the most important positions in our nation address women and girls and their rights in her first speech as SOS, it felt amazing . It blew my mind and continues to:

We cannot have a free, prosperous, peaceful, progressive world if women are treated in such a discriminatory and violent way. … We're going to have a very active women's office, a very active office on trafficking; we're going to be speaking out consistently and strongly against discrimination and oppression of women.

And at least thus far, this president and his cabinet aren't just talk. Persecution at Gitmo is being halted for at least 120 days. Obama repealed the Global Gag rule. Clinics and foundations around the world are once again able to receive aid from the good ole USA, even if they support a woman's right to choose.

I felt, I feel, proud to be an American.

I am grateful for the changes that are coming our way on the larger scale and I am grateful for the changes and consistencies on the smaller scale.

I had a moment of pure contentment on Tuesday night as A, S, and I sat on our couch, watching TV, chatting, laughing. I don't remember now any of what we talked about or what was so funny, but the moment was so great that I took pause right then and thought, "This is my life. And it's good." It was just another night, like so many others over the past months, but it felt so right. I am where I am supposed to be.

Life, right now, is wonderful.

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